Friday, December 16, 2011

Small Businesses & Social Media: To Tweet or Not to Tweet?

To tweet or not to tweet, is that the question? Well in the business world of today, it is. More and more businesses are using Social Media to promote their companies, many successful, and some not. Why does it work for some and not others?

Let’s begin with some definitions: 
According to Wikipedia,The term Social Media refers to the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into an interactive dialogue.” In other words, Social Media is your online presence, your website, blog, YouTube account etc, where you post information and make it available for users/your target clientele in a way that they can comment and interact with you. Let them tell you what they like and dislike and make suggestions.

According to Google Definitions:

so·cial net·work·ing

The use of a dedicated Web site to communicate informally with other members of the site, by posting messages, photographs, etc.
More info »Wikipedia - - Merriam-Webster

Basically, Social Networking is a little more personal, it is your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This is where you get connected with other businesses, family, friends and interested clientele. 

The Good & The Bad
There are pros to using Social Media for marketing your business and there are cons:

Point 1: Resources and Accessibility  
Con: You need to dive right in, updating your Facebook and Twitter on a regular basis, posting pictures and videos is also great. In addition to posting new material, you will need to respond to comments and questions asked by your customers, all of which requires time, which means staff, which means money.  Pro:You have the potential to reach a massive and ever-growing audience, and it is free to register for these sites.

Point 2: Comment Control and Customer Experience
Con: Some businesses are wary because they feel that they cannot control the comments and feedback of their users. They fear that by giving the customer a public place to write their thoughts and comments that there will be negative comments that will tarnish their image. Pro: You can increase customer feedback, and many business owners believe that responding to negative feedback gives you the chance to turn a negative experience for a customer into a positive one, working wonders for your brand. Like it or not, people are discussing your business online, so you may as well try and be in on the conversation.  

Point 3: Patience and the Snowball Effect
Con: The results aren’t instant, it does take time and energy to get that snowball rolling. Pro: Once you build up your online presence, your following will begin to grow. The more people that like you or talk about you on Facebook and Twitter, the more people will become aware of what you offer and begin following you as well.

The following is a video about “Socialnomics”, it has some really interesting facts and statistics that will help give you some perspective on the effect that Social Media can have on your business.

The Following are some Canadian companies that have a strong social media presence:
Social Media & Networking Websites

Looking for more information?
Check out the list of sites at the bottom of this post, or if you would like to learn more about some of the social media or social networking sites above, give us a call at the Computer Lab (613)476-5962 and we would be more than happy to schedule a free one hour information session with one of our CAP Interns.

Articles and Websites

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